Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lawyer Meh?

I was asked this question before, “why you want be a lawyer”.
Why ask wei? Hello, It’s up to me la bro.  What I want to be and how I want to be none of your business. Did I ask you any money for that?

I gave frank answer to my lecturer in 2001. I want to make money la. Apa lagi...He gave me a frank answer too “I don’t want to see you being handcuffed for that”. We smiled.:)
(Don’t tell me you want to be a law lecturer because of your love to the profession. What utter nonsense!)

On a more serious note, becoming a lawyer is a must for me.  I take “No” as an answer. I can’t be a pilot although it crossed my mind. I had to let it go down to the drain because my math sucks.

Pursuing a degree in Education at USM was my last choice in my UPU application. To be a teacher is most sought after job in my kampung then. Most of my family members from my datuk’s side are teachers with excellent academics credential. I don’t want to talk about my nenek’s side. What I can tell you most of them are most sought after crooks!

It’s true. The whole truth nothing but the truth. I got down to my knees and kissed the floor when I was offered to do law in University Malaya.  Had to pay my “nazar” for that too you know.  I can’t imagine what would happen should my application rejected as I had yet to learn and deal with rejection.  Should I say, “I reject your rejection”.

Lawyering is in my DNA since I was a kid. I became my own lawyer when my father (being the self appointed Judge) trying my case for all sorts of charges brought forward by the top prosecutor of Mother’s Chambers. I (together with (br) other which is still at large) became frustrated more and more with the system. Until today I still believe there is conspiracy between them. The more I wanted to talk, the more they were shutting me down.  Despite my 2nd Class law degree, I never win any case before my father. I wonder why?
Being a lawyer made me believe that I am a better guy and one step ahead of others. I can simply tell you not to mess around because I’m a lawyer (Like a big deal).  Lawyer means respect. I don’t need to earn it as the honor is already there. It may sound absurd and silly but trust me. Be a lawyer and you will know it.

Lawyer is one of the best professions in the world. You don’t have to worry of how to look professional in less than 5 minutes when you are lawyer (as long as your black blazer is with you). Most probably I would win most hated guy award if I act and dress like a lawyer all the time.  It is difficult not to hate somebody who is “perasan bagus” all the time.

He says, “Veni, Vidi, Vici”.
They say, “Act like lawyer, Dress like Lawyer, Think like a whore”.

To be continued (if any)

Best Regards,

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