Friday, August 26, 2011

Kisah Tok MatKelabu Asap & Frens

TokMatKelabu Asap: Tahniah “you have been elected to be our Leader”. I yakin dengan kepimpinan u. Im your “big fan” if not “die hard”.

Hati Kering: TQ. Personally, I rasa u yang patut menang. You have the Charisma. Orang melayu cakap “ada gaya”. Im willing to step down if you insist me of doing so.

TokMatKelabu Asap: Semua tu tak bermakna sebab I tak “sehebat” u.

Hati Kering: U jangan marah. I was told u kalah dgn I bcoz you are too judgmental lah. Macam tu lah. Macam ni lah. Kadang-kadang u tak konsisten gak. Bermuka-muka. Dengan orang ni cakap macam ni. Dengan orang tu cakap macam tu. Itu yang create perasaan tidak puas hati bila ‘pecah lobang”. Bak kata orang “makan dalam”.

MatKelabu Asap: I rasa bukan I je macam tu. Bukankah kebanyakkan orang memang dilahirkan judgmental dan bermuka-muka. For example, if you nampak suatu benda you tak berkenan, what will you do? Mesti you express your opinion kan! Kalau kita perlukan sesuatu, kenalah pandai manipulate.
Hati Kering: (ketawa). Absolutely. Betul. Tapi only when the need arises. But not all the time and when it is not necessary.  You can cheat some people but not all the people, especially people like me.

TokMatKelabu Asap: (senyum kelat) I have to disagree with you. I don’t think you are right. If they don’t have guts to say thing out loud, don’t blame me for being too judgmental. If they think they are cheated, napa jadi tunggul!

Hati Kering: The issue here is not whether they have guts or not. U tak boleh emosi sangat. You should ask yourself samada diri u memang macam tu.

TokMatKelabu Asap: What I want to say and do none of their bloody business. I don’t need people to tell me how I should conduct myself.

Tok Haji dan Tok Bilal yang duduk berdekatan sama-sama ketawa. Kaki Kapor Cuma tersengih aje.

TokHaji: Macam ni lah Mat. Aku nengok engkau ni memang dilahirkan sebagai sorang ketua. Ciri-ciri tu dah ada. Cuma, you have to mince your words. (Tok haji dulunya pernah sekolah omputih sekejap). Depan orang suka, belakang orang mengata!

Tok Bilal: ... Ala ko ni pun satu lah Mat. Tak perlu nak kecik hati bila orang menegor. Apa yang ko rasa skg ni. Samalah macam perasaan orang lain yang ko “tegor’ sebelum ni.

Hati Kering: Where do we start from here?

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