I humbly believe that to be an effective cross-examiner, it is insufficient for us to know the points that we need to establish. It involves many key factors as discussed by many great trial lawyers in their books which I which to summarise herein, inter alia, natural talents, the ability to think and to react quickly, the ability to know when to quit and the counsel himself much be confident.
In my first year in practice, during trial, I tend to ask many and long questions to my opponent's witnesses for fear of missing important point. I thought by doing so, I will be able to give a hard time to them and my client would be pleased with me.
At that point of time, I did not realise that I had made few fundamental mistakes. My first mistake was I ask too many and the second mistake was I forgot to stop questioning even though I got what I wanted from the witness.
Honestly now, I do not think that thousand questions have any bearing to my client’s case. Remember, by repeating yourself many times (it is only necessary when the witness is being evasive or the judge is senile) you will open the door for the witness to start giving explanation which is not the goals for cross examination. Further, no judge likes to listen to the same story over and over again especially when he has another case to attend with. Once the judge is annoyed with you, he will (may) keep hunting you (forever) and make your life miserable.
You have the advantage to be an effective cross-examiner if you are the good speaker and the good orator although it is not always the case. As concluded by the book I read recently which inspires me to share the ‘art’ of cross-examination for the junior lawyer, basically what is needed is the continuous effort to upgrade and hone the questioning skills by:
(a)doing some reading on major works on this subject;
(b)practicing which means you must conduct a trial and gain experience; and
(c)analysing your own performance after trial.
As conclusion, I wish to quote the words from Timothy A. Pratt which had written the article entitled “The Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination” where he says:
“One does not learn to be good at cross-examination by reading papers. The successful artist learns by doing it, or watching others to do it well, by reading trial and deposition transcripts or, better yet, by conducting the examination personally.”
P/s- do not afraid to make mistake. Once you are afraid to a make mistake it will make you a coward.
To my learned “FREN” which I do not wish to mention here, what you said to me last night and every single day will be my guidance forever.
Notice of Demand in Respect of Credit Facilities Granted By RB BANK BERHAD
We act for RB BANk BERHAD and refer to your letter dated 17/07/2010.
We are instructed by our Clients that by a written guarantee dated 21/07/2008 executed by your Client in our Clients’ favour, your Client guaranteed the payment on demand of all sums due and owing by MH SDN BHD (“the Borrower”), in respect of the credit facilities provided by our Clients, subject to the principle sum of RM3,000,000.00 together with interest accruing thereon.
We are instructed by our Clients that the Borrower in indebted to our Clients in the sum of [ Outstanding sum and interest ] , particulars of which are as follows:
Outstanding amount as at
[ Date of default ]
Further Interest from
[ Date of default + 1 day ]
Term Loan
[ Outstanding sum and interest ]
On behalf of our Clients we hereby demand that you pay the sum of RM3,000,000.00 together with further interest thereon at the rate of [ Interest rate ] per annum above our Clients’ Base Lending Rate, at [ Current base lending rate ]
[ Compounded monthly / annually / not compounded ] .
TAKE NOTICE that in the event the aforesaid sum together with interest thereon as aforesaid is not paid by you to our Clients or to us as their solicitors within [ Seven (7) days / fourteen (14) days ] from the date hereof, we have our Clients’ strict instructions to commence legal proceedings against you for the recovery of the same without further reference to you, in which case you will additionally be liable for all costs incurred by our Clients.
When making payment, please include the sum of [ Legal fees ] being the cost of this demand.
Al-kisahnya, Yang Dipertua Hujung Dunia, Tuanku Kaya Raya telah menerima dengan penuh berat hati watikah kata dua daripada Kerajaan atas kerajaan di istana baginda pada hari ini. Baginda diminta membuat keputusan sama ada melepaskan segala kedudukan atau berdepan dengan malapetaka bahawa ahli keluarga baginda akan berdepan dengan musibah yang amat berat sekali.
Apabila ditanya oleh penasihat baginda iaitu Sheikh Al-Sarawaki sama ada kegusaran tersebut telah dikongsi bersama, baginda menyatakan bahawa baginda telah memaklumkannya kepada ahli keluarga yang amat disayang i iaitu Permaisuri Bainun, Putera Mahkota Alam dan Puteri-Puteri Cendana tentang kesan dan natijah watikah tersebut. Baginda turut menyatakan bahawa cerita duka tersebut juga telah dikhabarkan kepada Yang Dipertua Kaki Bukit dan rakyat jelatanya yang merupakan sepupu sepapat baginda.
"Hati beta merasa sungguh sedih wahai Al-Sheikh. Mengapakah beta tidak diberi pilihan yang lain selain dari musibah ini. Pilihan apakah yang harus beta buat," kata baginda.
Lalu Sheikh Al-Sarawaki pun menjawab "Sebagai manusia kita sememangnya tidak terlepas dari membuat pilihan. Di dalam membuat pilihan yang melibatkan ahli keluarga, jangan sekali-kali Tuanku mementingkan diri sendiri. Sebagai ketua keluarga, Tuanku seharusnya tahu siapa yang lebih penting. Begitu juga dengan ahli keluarga Tuanku. Mereka seharusnya tahu siapa yang lebih penting. Maka, patik pacal yang hina ini berpandangan, pilihan terbaik adalah untuk membuat pilihan yang langsung tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Begitu juga dengan ahli keluarga Tuanku. Tuanku dan ahli keluarga Tuanku memikul tanggungjawab dan pilihan yang sama."
"Adakalanya kita juga berdepan jalan buntu di mana hanya terdapat satu pilihan yang kadangkala merupakan satu-satunya jalan keluar. Seringkali manusia silap membuat pilihan tetapi itu tidak mengapa kerana kesilapan yang lampau akan menjadikan manusia itu lebih bijak di dalam membuat pilihan yang lebih tepat," tegas Sheikh Al-Sarawaki lagi.
Mendengar kata-kata Sheikh Al-Sarawaki itu, baginda menjadi lebih hiba lalu menitiskan air mata. Lalu Sheikh Al-Sarawaki pun berkata "Patik memohon maaf andai kata Tuanku tersinggung dengan keceluparan kata-kata patik itu tadi."
Baginda pun menjawab "Beta hiba bukan kerana kata-kata kamu wahai Al-Sheikh. Jatuh air mata beta juga bukan kerana tersinggung dengan kata-kata kamu. Hiba dan tangisan beta kerana selama umur beta, setiap pilihan-pilihan yang dibuat seringkali demi kepentingan beta semata-mata. Begitu juga dengan ahli keluarga beta."
Sheikh Al-Sarawaki pun berjalan dan terus memegang bahu Tuanku sambil berkata "Wahai Tuanku yang patik muliakan, maka menjadi pilihan Tuanku dan keluarga Tuanku memilih mulai hari ini untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan bersama. Pilihan-pilihan telah dan akan dibuat yang akan mencerminkan peribadi Tuanku dan keluarga di mata masyarakat."
I am a simple guy but with a very big ambition..I hope I can have a successful life. If someone ask me what is my biggest asset, it would be my punctuality. Sometimes it may cause problem to others. Not to forget that I am good footballer although maybe not as good as Marco Van Basten or Ronaldo. hahaha. I believe I have a gift to know whether someone around me can be trusted or not. it is my humble opinion that trust is not built in one day and one has to renew it everyday. Renewing it everyday will lead to a stronger relationships. As a conclusion, to achieve everything that i prayed for, I have to work hard and smart..